"I'd tap that" - Peter Fernando
That's what the neck needle is, basically just a big tap. You can't really see it in the photo due to all the gauze, but it's sticking out, and I'm moving like a person in a neck brace because there's a good few inches of the thing going down the vein; I can feel it if I move my neck too much, and that's gross, so I don't.
(Had to filter that shiz, but it's still not pretty!!)
But it was all so easy; sedation is the best thing ever. I don't think I fell asleep, but I really don't remember anything past the cold feeling on my neck when I think the doctor was putting on jelly to ultrasound for the vein. My impression of the whole thing was that it was super quick, next thing I knew I was back in my room, ate lunch, then we went home. Home by 1.30 pm. Sedation: highly recommend, 5 stars!
So now, back to jabbing twice a day, and numerous 'tap' related puns courtesy of Mr Fernando (which I am actually quite enjoying, it's a limited time only topical source of humour!). Then Monday will be a day of 'harvesting' - using the tap to bring out blood which goes through a special machine to filter it and collect the stem cells, then the filtered blood comes back to my body. I'll be hooked up to the machine for about six hours; hopefully the one day will be enough to collect all the stem cells needed, but if not I'll have to go back for more on Tuesday.
Well, that's enough gushing tap-talk from me, I don't want to faucet on you!
Rach xx
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