Jab, jab, jab, jab...
Hi all, things are going really well for me at the moment, it's great!
On Tuesday we went to the hospital to pick up and learn how to self-inject the GCSF, the drug that encourages stem cells out of my bone marrow. I was all like, 'yeah, I've done years of self-injection, I'm all good!' but the difference is, these syringes do not come with an auto-injector, which is what I used when I was injecting all of my MS drugs (there was one auto-injector that had a light that came on highlighting the target for the needle, and another that set a bell off when it was done. More interesting (geeky) MS-life facts!). So the lack of auto injector left me with my belly exposed (the injection site), staring at the syringe in my hand--couldn't do it.
Enter the Singapore Superhero who is Peter! It's his most important job at the moment, twice a day, 8am and 8pm. He's so proficient at it, what a star 😍
Anyway, so the injections have been going well, and I'm not really even feeling any side effects (which would be feeling achey, 'fluey, etc.). Hopefully it's all working like it should, despite the lack of side effects! Another good thing is that last week's chemo seems to have had a bit of an anti-inflammatory effect on me, which means that my walking and general function has improved too. (Actually, could the anti-inflammatory-ness be why I'm not feeling side effects? Thoughts, medical friends and family?)
Tomorrow morning I am going into hospital again, and they're going to insert a huge-EXPLETIVE-tube into my neck. This is going to be used for the stem cell harvesting on Monday (so I get to chill with it in my neck over the weekend). I'm not really worried about getting this done, because I've chosen to be sedated for the procedure.
So yeah, just a lot of injections at the moment, and feeling well!
The other day we watched an episode of 'Attitude' (Sunday mornings, TVNZ 1, get amongst people, such an inspiring show); the episode aired on the day we left, but it's online, and it was spotlighting MS. If you had a spare 30 minutes, I really recommend a watch, it's very good. It covers a lot of information about MS (obviously), how differently it affects people who have it, and even a bit about the procedure I'm doing (HSCT): Attitude episode.
I'll post once I've got the thing in my neck; I don't know how it'll be, but if you don't like that sort of stuff, maybe don't look at the next post. Just saying. 😊
Here's another Zeej, when he was littler (so not new, just cute).
Love! Rach xx
Good luck for the 'neck needle' today! Ngaio