A very special thank you

I am home, and it's glorious! I appreciate every little thing about being back, and I don't even care that today's temperature high is 9 degrees celsius. It's welcome, after the ubiquitous heat of Singapore (which has a high today of 33C).

Today I want to thank everybody who helped me to get HSCT. The financial contributions were overwhelmingly generous, and by helping me get this treatment you have all quite possibly saved my life (I am not being dramatic, it's true). You have given me a chance to look towards the future with real hope, which means everything, and I really can't thank you enough. Also those of you who donated your time to help with the fundraising effort, who sent messages of support, and generally to all my quiet champions, your stoical comfort helped me so much, particularly when things were difficult.

Thank you for reading these (they weren't just excuses to show people pictures of my cat, promise!), I'll still post here every now and then, when something happens that's worth updating you all on, but for now, I'm looking forward with positivity and excitement - it all starts now! (And for those of you who're keeping count, I reckon we're up to Rachie version 3.0 - I hear this one's a good one!)

Love love love!
Rach xx

(This place is (one of) my favourite places in New Zealand, it's in my birthplace of Canterbury. It's were I imagine I am when I meditate, or just generally try to calm down. I thought it was important that it featured on this blog, as visualising it helped me in this process, so it did in black and white at the top of most posts.) (Photo from the summer just been - as you all know, I don't have that much hair anymore...!)


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