Day +21 (and -10!)
Kind of a boring post today, sorry (nothing akin to neck needle photos, (un?)fortunately) (way to sell your blog, Rachel). Blood test results from the hospital visit today:
White blood cells: 3.97 (this is an expected decline, and I did say to Mum when we were waiting for the results that I wanted it to be lower than last week, because higher would be out of the range of normal. This result is just slightly lower than normal, and that's okay, and I'm told that they'll likely stay low for a while yet).
Platelets: 174 (really good, and normal)
CMV: negative (also really good!)
Today was the last time I will see Dr Loh, sadly, as she won't be at the hospital next Monday. So next week's Monday hospital visit will only involve taking blood, and a haematologist will contact me if anything's unusual. So today's visit was a wind up for me with her, which I wasn't prepared for! She's the best 😊
Other than hospital once a week, the only other thing happening at the moment is physiotherapy. Last week's physio was HARD - she made me (and my just discharged from hospital legs) do 15 minutes on the bike! But it was good to get some new exercises to do (some of which are stupidly, crazy hard for me, stuff that I didn't even know that I'd lost the ability to do. Like just sitting on a chair and lifting each leg up in turn, keeping them bent. My legs, especially the newly-relapsed right one, kind of do the first raise, but then they're like, "actually, nah, I'd prefer to stay on the ground, thank you very much."). The physio also did some electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) with me, which involves sending electrical impulses to the (in my case, quad) muscles, to stimulate them. EMS is used for muscle relaxation, strength training, and rehabilitation (in fact, years ago I'd been wanting to find a physiotherapist in Wellington that does EMS. Admittedly I didn't exactly leave too many stones upturned in my search, but I will look to continue EMS at home).
HOME, which we leave for in TEN DAYS! Yaaaaaaaaay!
That's all to report on at the moment really! Just counting down the days until we go home, and trying to stay well. So far all's going to plan there 👍
Here is a cheeky ZJ getting ready for bed ('cause cute cats improve even the most mundane of blog posts!):
Love! Rach xx
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