Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love you, tomorrow!!

This is a photo from 15 years ago, taken the last time I was about to leave Singapore. Nowadays, I don't know if I'm quite up to dancing my way through the airport, but I assure you, I'm mentally doing the same thing! (Photo: circa 2002, when members of Bel Canto (award-winning senior girls' choir at Burnside High School) were on their way back from a festival in Vienna (look at those shoes Pens! Do you remember?? Converse for life!).) Blood results from Monday: White blood cell: 4.59 (normal now) Platelets: 198 (were normal last week; normal still) CMV: still negative (long may that last!) Blood results are pretty boring now; there are some results that are not normal, of course - polymorphs, monocytes, red blood cell (only just, give me a break! 3.6, when 3.9 is normal), haemoglobin (also only just, 11.0, 11.5 considered normal), haematocrit (PCV) (what?), RDW (red cell distribution width, oh of course!), and the presence of atypical mononuclear cells (which ...