Pretty, and look younger than 31

The above is all I've taken away from my first appointment at the hospital today. Nah, jokes (although flattering), it was a lovely first visit, and really good to finally meet everyone. The heat and waiting outside the apartment for a taxi to Raffles Hospital meant that I was pretty bad at walking when I arrived. I felt like I gave Yati (the transplant co-ordinator / Assistant Manager / my point of contact once I was accepted for the treatment) a bit of a fright - I don't think she was expecting me to be having such difficulty walking (3.5 EDSS can be misleading, I guess, and I am so sensitive to the physical environment). But it was all good, and once I cooled down, things were a little easier. Anyway, she took my height and weight, to calculate how much drug I'll need for the chemo (photo courtesy of Paparazzi Peter): And then they took crazy amounts of blood (checking for viruses, antibodies, everything really). For my Tysabri family, there were no issue...