Told you I wasn't a blogger...

Oh heeey! Long time! 😉 I also said that I would update if there was anything to update about. But there hasn't been really; things are just stable - some days I feel that things physically are better, but other days I feel worse... And that's just MS, how it's always been for me: good days and bad days. I haven't had a remarkable recovery - my walking nerves are clearly very damaged. If you believe the experiences being reported on HSCT for MS veterans' pages, some people don't see physical improvements for a couple of years post-treatment. I suppose this makes sense, nerve healing takes a long time, and the theory is that once the inflammatory activity stops, healing can begin. But I don't know. Quite honestly, if I stay how I am for the rest of my life (i.e. I don't get worse with all the crap that can happen with MS), that would be the most amazing, miraculous thing. Honestly. Yeah things are hard because I walk with a crutch, but oh my god, ...