
Showing posts from March, 2017

The Odyssey Begins...

Overview and background of my reasons for going to Singapore to receive HSCT for my M.S. in 2017. Well. I'm feeling really awkward; it's not comfortable for me to write about myself so publicly. However, I wanted to write this blog so I can update people about what's going on with the treatment - both in the planning stages, and while I'm over there. So here goes: Basically out-of-the-blue in February, I decided to look into stem cell treatment (Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ( HSCT )) for my multiple sclerosis. I'd heard about this a couple of years ago, but didn't seriously consider it - it seemed prohibitively expensive and just generally not 'proven' enough for me. HSCT involves (at a basic level) suppressing the immune system with chemotherapy, and transplanting the patient's own stem cells (extracted before the chemo) to assist with the immune system's re-boot. The idea, as a treatment for MS (and other auto-immune conditi...